With thousands selection, online buyers are not sure what to choose, Or with limited space, not enough selection for in store buyers resulting lost revenue!!! Vtry is here to help you tapping the potential of your brand audience.
What stops buyer from placing an order with confidence online or in store ? With VTry service, it is easier than ever for online buyer finding what fits them well in virtual world and in store buyer what they like and affordable in real world.
Generating more ROI through higher conversion rate and customer satisfaction, Optimizing the entire online and in store shopping experience with VTry live and VTry one click services.
We provide 2 different virtual try-on technologies:
VTry Live has two flovors: VTry Lite and VTry Plus.
VTry Lite shows the front frame of the 3D glasses only.
VTry Plus shows full 3D eye glasses.
Both flavors are available on desktop, laptop, tablet and smart phone.
In addition to eye glasses, wig, beard, facial makeup, earing, neclace, and other wearables are also available for try on.
VTry Avatar is available on desktop, laptop, tablet and smart phone.